I get the following error:<br><br> /var/www/html/<a href="http://angrynates.com/cart/chooseOptions.py">angrynates.com/cart/chooseOptions.py</a><br> 8 from login import login<br> 9 import string<br> 10 import options<br>
11 from particulars import optionsTables, addStore<br> 12 <br>options undefined<br><br>SyntaxError: invalid syntax (options.py, line 140)<br> args = ('invalid syntax', ('/var/www/html/<a href="http://angrynates.com/cart/options.py">angrynates.com/cart/options.py</a>', 140, 85, " colorsTables, colorsNames = colors('products', 'specificTables', specificTables):\n"))<br>
filename = '/var/www/html/<a href="http://angrynates.com/cart/options.py">angrynates.com/cart/options.py</a>'<br> lineno = 140<br> msg = 'invalid syntax'<br> offset = 85<br> print_file_and_line = None<br>
text = " colorsTables, colorsNames = colors('products', 'specificTables', specificTables):\n" <br><br>I don't understand the 'text = "..." part of the last line. Here's the line from the code:<br>
<br> colorsTables, colorsNames = colors('products', 'specificTables', specificTables):<br><br>No "text". I'm just calling a function and getting the results. Here's the pared-down function:<br>
<br>def colors(callingTable, which='', specificTables=[]):<br> code = []<br> names = []<br> meanings = []<br> code.append({'black': '0000FF', 'gray': '465945', 'silver': '708090', 'white': '0F4D92', 'maroon': 'B03060', 'red': 'FE2712', 'purple': '50404D', 'fuchsia': 'FF77FF', 'green': '00A550', 'lime': '32CD32', 'olive': '6B8E23', 'yellow': '9ACD32', 'navy blue': 'CC7722', 'blue': '333399', 'teal': 'E2725B', 'aqua': '7FFFD4'})<br>
meanings.append('These are the standard Web colors.')<br> names.append('standardWebColors')<br> if which == 'specificTables':<br> whichTablesToReturn = []<br> i = 0<br> while i < len(names): # We utilize the name of the table to determine where it is in the code tuple<br>
for table in specificTables:<br> if names[i] == table:<br> whichTablesToReturn.append(i)<br> i += 1<br> returnTheseTables = []<br> for table in whichTablesToReturn:<br> returnTheseTables.append(whichTablesToReturn)<br>
returnTheseNames = []<br> for table in whichTablesToReturn:<br> returnTheseNames.append(whichTablesToReturn)<br> return returnTheseTables, returnTheseNames<br> else:<br> return optionsDict(which)<br><br>
Please help me understand what this error is trying to show me.<br>TIA,<br>Victor<br>