<div>Hi, </div>
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<div>My sincere apologies if I am mailing in wrong list. </div>
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<div>My mission: I have to develop GUI based tool on python and will be using PyQT with qtdesigner. I am automating creation of test script for call flows just by drawing them from tool.</div>
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<div>Challenges: In this tool there will be a drawing area where I should have to utility to create call flow by drag and droping the elements. I will have a small database from which relevent piece of codes will be retrieved during the execution time and the script will be retrieved. </div>
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<div>I know that I will be quering the database based on cordinates so think that cordinate programming will be the correct solution. However, can anybody have idea for the ideal solution that can be? </div>
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<div>Thank you in advance. </div>
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