On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 4:44 PM, Alf P. Steinbach <span dir="ltr"><<a href="mailto:alfps@start.no" target="_blank">alfps@start.no</a>></span> wrote:<br><div class="gmail_quote"><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0.8ex; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-color: rgb(204, 204, 204); border-left-style: solid; padding-left: 1ex; ">
No, one only needs an understanding of "pointer".<br><br>"Pointer" is a mostly language independent concept.<br><br>The reference to the Java language spec, where that term is used for this, was just an unsuccessful attempt to keep out word-play arguments based on the incompatibility of some incompatible meaning of "pointer"...<br>
</blockquote><div><br></div><div>The fact is, "pointer" is not really a language independent concept. Just because a concept is used in multiple languages doesn't make it a general purpose term that has a clear meaning that's defined in a well-understood way. The last time I paid attention to one of your semantic arguments was when you were talking about "routine", where that -was- a language independent concept, but as wholly inappropriate to use in context of Python as pass-by-value (especially due to ambiguity). You seem to have an idea of a word in your head and a meaning and context, and are ignoring the fact that there's a huge body of knowledge that places another context or meaning on that word or phrase. Thus, the usage of that phrase actually -confuses- and does not -clarify-.</div>
<div><br></div><div>The terms "call by reference" and "call by value" have *meaning* beyond the purely abstract: they have meaning to semantics that people expect when you use them, meaning to how the language works, and those meanings do *not* apply to Python.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Python doesn't have pointers. That you can do id() and see something like a memory address is a CPython implementation detail which is not guaranteed and the fact that Python is implemented -in- a language which -does- have pointers, and that implementation uses pointers beneath the Python level. But the Python language (and CPython implementation) does -not- provide pointers to us. We do not use pointers in any Python code we do.</div>
<div><br></div><div>To say, "pass by value" implies things to people. It describes a sort of world where I'm a function about to do some work, and on my desk I have a series of boxes with names on it. It describes an environment where someone comes over and drops something into each of my boxes. The contents of these boxes are mine alone!</div>
<div><br></div><div>To say, "pass by reference" implies other things to people. It describes a sort of world where my desk doesn't have any boxes, really. It's got some places for boxes, but when someone gives me something? They give me their boxes too. The actual -stuff- in them I can swap between the two boxes if I want, and when I give those boxes back to the one who called me? They'll be swapped. That's a sort of defining characteristic of pass-by-reference environments.</div>
<div><br></div><div>_Neither_ of these are accurate descriptions of Python's universe. You can say, "its pass by value, just be specific that the value is..." but at that point the statement is meaningless. You've taken a relatively well-understood statement with certain meaning and a semantic weight behind what it means, and just totally made it into something else entirely. By changing the entire meaning of "value", from the value of the variable which is copied, to the value of the memory address, you've changed -everything- that 'pass by value' means. So you should use a different word.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Like, "objects" (or "sharing" is also used.)</div><div><br></div><div>Python has names, and objects. The guy over there has things on his desk, with a label attached to it that has a name. He tosses it over to me, and I get the same object he did-- no boxes. I put my own label on it, even though he keeps hold of his label. I fiddle with it, and might toss it back. Or might not, maybe I'll toss something else back. Either way, he still has it.</div>
<div><br></div><div>In Python, we get objects. Real objects. The original one. Its not a pointer, its an object, that happens to have a label attached to it. It doesn't have any idea what that label is, and it can't even find out. Its not in any boxes owned by any functions, its just floating out there with everything else, with lots of labels tied to it. Its just that when the last one is cut, nothing else is holding it up, and it falls to the ground and gets swept away.</div>
<div><br></div><div>That python is pass-by-objects is -really- important for people to understand to really "get" python, and using other terms is /bad/ because it makes them think of the semantics those terms imply. Because if you don't -remember- and just instinctively -know- that Python is "pass-by-objects", you'll forget the difference between passing an immutable and a mutable object into a function, and be surprised by the result.</div>
<div><br></div><div><div>>>> import copy</div><div>>>> def doit(a):</div><div>... a += a</div><div>... return a</div><div>... </div><div>>>> test1 = 1</div><div>>>> test2 = doit(test1)</div>
<div>>>> test1</div><div>1</div><div>>>> test2</div><div>2</div><div>>>> test3 = [1]</div><div>>>> test4 = doit(test3)</div><div>>>> test3</div><div>[1, 1]</div><div>>>> test4</div>
<div>[1, 1]</div><div><br></div><div>I know you already know this, but the point is: you're -hurting- other peoples understanding by using terms like this that don't apply to Python's specific nature.</div><div>
<br></div><div>In Python, every function gets the original objects that you pass into it. Some are immutable, some are mutable. With immutable ones, it might very well seem like its pass-by-value and behaves like pass-by-value semantics, but when you get mutable objects, that changes /quickly/. Changing "value" to mean, "the memory address where the object is stored" just obfuscates the entire point and doesn't actually explain what people need to understand in this question.</div>
</div><div><br></div></div><div name="mailplane_signature">--S</div><div name="mailplane_signature">P.S. I couldn't resist. :(</div>