<span></span>Code is below, The files are about 5mb and 230,000 rows. When I have 43 files of them and when I get to the 35th (reading it in) my system gets so slow that it is nearly functionless. I am on a mac and activity monitor shows that python is using 2.99GB of memory (of 4GB). (python 2.6 64bit). The getsizeof() returns 6424 bytes for the alldata . So I am not sure what is happening.<div>
Any ideas</div><div>Thanks<br><div name="mailplane_signature"> <table><tbody><tr><td width="80">
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<p><strong>Vincent Davis<br>
<a href="mailto:vincent@vincentdavis.net">vincent@vincentdavis.net</a> </p>
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