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<html><head><title></title><style type="text/css"><!--body{padding:1ex;margin:0px;font-family:sans-serif;font-size:small;}a[href]{color:-moz-hyperlinktext !important;text-decoration:-moz-anchor-decoration;}blockquote{margin:0;border-left:2px solid #144fae;padding-left:1em;}blockquote blockquote{border-color:#006312;}blockquote blockquote blockquote{border-color:#540000;}--></style></head><body><div style="font-family: Arial; font-size: medium;" dir="ltr"><div>We've decided to build a re-usable *general purpose* PY2EXE "runtime" that can be shared by a number of scripts vs. distributing a monolithic EXE for each of our scripts.</div>
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<div>A list of the Python 2.6.4 compatible modules/packages we decided to include (and exclude) in our "runtime" follows my signature.</div>
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<div>Any suggestions on additions or deletions appreciated.</div>
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<div>3rd party modules/packages:</div>
<div>- jsonpickle</div>
<div>- win32api</div>
<div>- winshell<br>
<div>We've included all modules from the Python standard library EXCEPT the following:</div>
<div>- aifc<br>
- audioop<br>
- bsddb<br>
- Carbon<br>
- dbhash<br>
- distutils<br>
- dumbdbm<br>
- netrc<br>
- plistlib<br>
- robotparser<br>
- ScrolledText<br>
- shelve<br>
- sunau<br>
- tabnanny<br>
- Tix<br>
- Tkinter<br>
- turtle<br>
- whichdb<br>