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<P><BR><BR><FONT size=2>> -----Original Message-----<BR>> From: Dave Angel
[</FONT><A href="mailto:davea@ieee.org"><FONT
size=2>mailto:davea@ieee.org</FONT></A><FONT size=2>]<BR>> Sent: Tuesday,
March 16, 2010 6:24 PM<BR>> To: Barak, Ron<BR>> Cc: Pablo Recio Quijano;
python-list@python.org<BR>> Subject: Re: How to add a library path to
pythonpath ?<BR>><BR>> Barak, Ron wrote:<BR>> > <BR>>
>> -----Original Message-----<BR>> >> From: Dave Angel [</FONT><A
href="mailto:davea@ieee.org"><FONT size=2>mailto:davea@ieee.org</FONT></A><FONT
size=2>]<BR>> >> Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 5:04 PM<BR>> >>
To: Barak, Ron<BR>> >> Cc: Pablo Recio Quijano;
python-list@python.org<BR>> >> Subject: RE: How to add a library path
to pythonpath ?<BR>> >><BR>> >><BR>> >><BR>>
>> Barak, Ron wrote:<BR>> >> <BR>>
>>> Thanks for the suggestion Pable.<BR>> >>><BR>>
>>> However, I really need the $PYTHONPATH to include this<BR>>
>>> <BR>> >> additional
library, so all Python scripts could use it.<BR>>
>> <BR>> >>> In Windows I have defined
c:\views\cc_view\TS_svm_ts_tool\SVMInspector\lib\, and<BR>> also in
the<BR>> >>> Windows registry I have<BR>> >>><BR>>
>>><BR>> >>> <BR>>
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore\version\PythonPath\ as<BR>>
>> <BR>> >><BR>>
>> n<BR>> >> <BR>> >>>
spector\lib\;C:\Python26\Lib\lib-tk;<BR>> >>><BR>> >>>
However, even with all the above, the SVMInspecor modules<BR>>
>>> <BR>> >> are not
found.<BR>> >> <BR>>
>>> <BR>> >> See my
response at the end. Top-posting makes for a very<BR>>
confusing<BR>> >> thread.<BR>>
>> <BR>> >>> <snip><BR>>
>>><BR>> >>> 2010/3/16 Barak, Ron
<Ron.Barak@lsi.com<</FONT><A href="mailto:Ron.Barak@lsi.com"><FONT
size=2>mailto:Ron.Barak@lsi.com</FONT></A><FONT size=2>>><BR>>
>>><BR>> >>> Hi,<BR>> >>><BR>> >>>
I'm trying to add a library path to my pythonpath, but<BR>>
>>> <BR>> >> seems it is
not<BR>> >> <BR>> >>> accepted
-<BR>> >>><BR>> >>> On Windows DOS window:<BR>>
>>><BR>> >>> C:\>echo %PYTHONPATH%<BR>> >>>
c:\views\cc_view\TS_svm_ts_tool\SVMInspector\lib\<BR>> >>><BR>>
>>> C:\>python -c "import sys ; print sys.path"<BR>> >>>
['', 'c:\\views\\cc_view\\TS_svm_ts_tool\\SVMInspector\\lib',<BR>>
>>> 'C:\\WINDOWS\\syst em32\\python26.zip',
'C:\\Python26\\DLLs',<BR>> >>> 'C:\\Python26\\lib', 'C:\\Python26\\l
ib\\plat-win',<BR>> >>> 'C:\\Python26\\lib\\lib-tk', 'C:\\Python26',
'C:\\Python26\\lib\\<BR>> >>> site-packages',<BR>> >>>
>>><BR>> >>> C:\><BR>> >>><BR>>
>>> On Windows cygwin:<BR>> >>><BR>> >>> $ echo
>>><BR>> >>> $ python -c "import sys ; print
sys.path"<BR>> >>> ['',<BR>> >>><BR>>
>>> <BR>> >><BR>>
>> <BR>> >>>
'C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\python26.zip', 'c:\\Python26\\DLLs',<BR>>
>>> 'c:\\Python26\\lib', 'c:\\Python26\\lib\\plat-win',<BR>>
>>> 'c:\\Python26\\lib\\lib-tk', 'c:\\Python26',<BR>> >>>
'c:\\Python26\\lib\\site-packages',<BR>> >>>
>>><BR>> >>> $<BR>> >>><BR>> >>>
What am I doing wrong ?<BR>> >>><BR>> >>>
Thanks,<BR>> >>> Ron.<BR>> >>><BR>>
>>><BR>> >>><BR>>
>>> <BR>> >> In your
original message, what you displayed worked exactly as<BR>> >>
expected. As you didn't say what made you think something<BR>> was
wrong,<BR>> >> I ignored the message.<BR>> >><BR>> >>
Now, you say that some modules are not found. So how about giving<BR>>
>> some more specifics so someone can actually debug the<BR>>
problem. Pick<BR>> >> a particular module, tell us the complete
path to that module, and<BR>> >> show us both the sys.path strings
(which look correct for<BR>> the Windows<BR>> >> case, and of course
bogus for the cygwin case), as well as the<BR>> >> offending import
statement and its traceback.<BR>> >><BR>> >> DaveA<BR>>
>> <BR>> ><BR>> > Hi Dave,<BR>>
><BR>> > My Python is the Windows Python (I need this for
wxPython):<BR>> ><BR>> > $ ls -ls `which python`<BR>> > 1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 rbarak mkgroup-l-d 31 Mar 4 14:02<BR>> /usr/bin/python
-><BR>> > /cygdrive/c/Python26/python.exe<BR>> ><BR>> >
Here's a demo script:<BR>> ><BR>> > #!/usr/bin/env python<BR>>
><BR>> > import sys<BR>> > print "\n",sys.path,"\n"<BR>>
><BR>> > from ErrorManager.ErrorManager import ErrorManager<BR>>
><BR>> > And it's run produces:<BR>> ><BR>> > $ python
-u tmp.py<BR>> ><BR>> >
['c:\\views\\cc_view\\TS_svm_ts_tool\\svm_ts_tool',<BR>> ><BR>>
> 'C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\python26.zip', 'c:\\Python26\\DLLs',<BR>> >
'c:\\Python26\\lib', 'c:\\Python26\\lib\\plat-win',<BR>> >
'c:\\Python26\\lib\\lib-tk', 'c:\\Python26',<BR>> >
'c:\\Python26\\lib\\site-packages',<BR>> >
'c:\\Python26\\lib\\site-packages\\wx-2.8-msw-unicode']<BR>> ><BR>>
> Traceback (most recent call last):<BR>> > File "tmp.py",
line 6, in <module><BR>> > from
ErrorManager.ErrorManager import ErrorManager<BR>> > ImportError: No
module named ErrorManager.ErrorManager<BR>> ><BR>> > $ ls
-ls<BR>> ><BR>>
> /ErrorManager.py<BR>> > 4 -rwxr-xr-x 1 rbarak ???????? 1843 Sep 21
19:16<BR>> ><BR>>
> /ErrorManager.py<BR>> ><BR>> > $ grep
ErrorManager <BR>> >
/cygdrive/c/views/cc_view/TS_svm_ts_tool/SVMInspector/lib/<BR>> >
ErrorManager/ErrorManager.py<BR>> > class ErrorManager:<BR>>
><BR>> > $ echo $PYTHONPATH<BR>> >
><BR>> > Please let me know if the above is enough, or you'd like
to<BR>> see the results from a Windows' DOS window.<BR>> ><BR>> >
Thanks,<BR>> > Ron.<BR>> ><BR>> > <BR>> Well, I
pointed out that your cygwin path is bogus, so of<BR>> course it won't
work. One of those entries
is<BR>><BR>> <BR>>
I use Linux, and I use Windows. But cygwin's glomming<BR>> together has
never made sense; some things are Unix-like,<BR>> and others are
Windows-like. So anything you do in that<BR>> environment is beyond
me.<BR>><BR>> If I had to guess, though I'd say you wanted to drop
those<BR>> first two characters from your PYTHONPATH. If you
really<BR>> wanted two directories there, you should be separating
them<BR>> with semicolon (Windows rules), rather than colon (Linux<BR>>
rules). First thing I'd do to test my theories is to print<BR>>
something like:<BR>> print
sys.path[1]<BR>> print
os.listdir(sys.path[1])<BR>> Does Python even see the cygwin view of the
world ?<BR>><BR>> You also don't show the location of the module you're
trying<BR>> to import. <BR>> I'm guessing that it's at<BR>>
...SVMInspector/lib/ErrorManager/ErrorManager.py<BR>> Do you have a
file <BR>>
?<BR>><BR>> I would seriously recommend against naming your package,
your<BR>> module, and your class all the same thing. Makes
debugging<BR>> very hard. At least make them have different case
combinations.<BR>><BR>> DaveA<BR>><BR>><BR><BR></FONT><FONT
size=2><FONT color=#0000ff>Hi Dave,<BR>With the suggestions you made above, I
managed to solve the problems I reported, and now my paths work as
expected.<BR><STRONG>Thanks a lot,<BR></STRONG>Ron.<BR></FONT><BR></FONT><FONT
size=2 face="Courier New">$ cat tmp.py<BR>#!/usr/bin/env python<BR><BR>import
sys<BR>import os<BR>print "sys.path:",sys.path<BR>print
ErrorManager.ErrorManager import ErrorManager<BR><BR>$ python -u
tmp.py<BR>sys.path: ['c:\\views\\cc_view\\TS_svm_ts_tool\\svm_ts_tool',
'C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\python26.zip', 'c:\\Python26\\DLLs',
'c:\\Python26\\lib', 'c:\\Python26\\lib\\plat-win', 'c:\\Python26\\lib\\lib-tk',
'c:\\Python26', 'c:\\Python26\\lib\\site-packages',
['ConnectivityManager', 'ErrorManager', 'Utility']<BR><BR>$ echo
$PYTHONPATH <BR>c:\views\cc_view\TS_svm_ts_tool\SVMInspector\lib\<BR><BR>$
echo $PYTHON_PATH<BR>c:\views\cc_view\TS_svm_ts_tool\SVMInspector\lib\