<DIV>>> ----- Original Message -----<BR>>> From: "Dan Goodman"<<A href="mailto:dg.gmane@thesamovar.net">dg.gmane@thesamovar.net</A>><BR>>><BR>>>> I'm doing some C++ code generation using Python, and would be interested<BR>>>> in any comments on the approach I'm taking.<BR>>><BR>>> PythoidC ( <A href="http://pythoidc.googlecode.com">http://pythoidc.googlecode.com</A> ) is a C code generator (not C++)<BR>> <BR>> It would be nice if you could start reading the posts before you answer, <BR>> and then try to give an answer that fits the question.<BR>> <BR>> Stefan</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>I have read the post, may be I lost some words and made you misunderstand. I meant:</DIV>
<DIV>PythoidC ( <A href="http://pythoidc.googlecode.com/">http://pythoidc.googlecode.com</A> ) is a C code generator (but not C++), if you find it useful, </DIV>
<DIV>welcome to take a look.</DIV><br><br><span title="neteasefooter"/></span>