I am working on a simulation of a bicycle race. I would like a very simple real time graphic of the position of the bicycles during the simulation and a few of the key values. I will not be iterating with the simulation while it is running.<br>
<br>I am not really sure where to start. Currently to watch the values of the variables I just print them at intervals.<br><br>I know there are many option to do this. For me, I would like the option that would be quick, easy and few lines of code. I am not sure of a better way to describe my requirements.<br>
Any suggestions would be great especially if you have a tutorial/documentation you would recommend.<br><br>Thanks<br><span style="color: black;"><div dir="ltr"><div> <table><tbody><tr><td width="80">
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<p><strong>Vincent Davis<br>
<a href="mailto:vincent@vincentdavis.net">vincent@vincentdavis.net</a> </p>
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