I use Python for my own entertainment and for quick jobs, but haven't been able to use it professionally up to this point. As a former Perl developer and someone that's currently required to code in Java I'm starting to wish I had this opportunity. Can anyone comment on the Python job market? If you're currently employed writing Python apps, I'd be particularly interested in knowing any of the following:<div>
<br></div><div>- Your location - country, state or city, whatever you care to provide</div><div>- Your focus - Product Development (web sites/apps), Education, R&D/Science, IT/Sys Admin, etc</div><div>- Your company size</div>
<div>- Your compensation relative to the .NET/Java developers you know - generally higher/lower?<br>
<div><br></div><div>In my area (Denver, CO) I predominantly see Java positions, followed closely by .NET. I'll occasionally see something pop up related to PHP or Ruby web development but hardly ever Python, so I'm just curious if I'm looking in the wrong places.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Thanks for any input!</div><div>-Mike</div></div>