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The <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:python-announce-list-owner@python.org">python-announce-list-owner@python.org</a> suggested you might have
a solution to my problem.<br>
Please help if you can.<br>
-------- Original Message --------
<table class="moz-email-headers-table" border="0" cellpadding="0"
<th align="right" nowrap="nowrap" valign="baseline">Subject: </th>
<td>Re: [ANN] Pyjamas 0.5 Web Widget Set and python-to-javascript
Compiler released</td>
<th align="right" nowrap="nowrap" valign="baseline">Date: </th>
<td>Thu, 10 Jun 2010 17:43:48 -0500</td>
<th align="right" nowrap="nowrap" valign="baseline">From: </th>
<td>Paul <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="mailto:PaulMuhl44@GMail.com"><PaulMuhl44@GMail.com></a></td>
<th align="right" nowrap="nowrap" valign="baseline">To: </th>
<td><a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:python-announce-list@python.org">python-announce-list@python.org</a>, <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:lkcl@lkcl.net">lkcl@lkcl.net</a></td>
<th align="right" nowrap="nowrap" valign="baseline">References: </th>
<td><a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="mailto:ced5f0f60903111457m6f9743c9k6b28882a1803ab7f@mail.gmail.com"><ced5f0f60903111457m6f9743c9k6b28882a1803ab7f@mail.gmail.com></a></td>
I am at <a moz-do-not-send="true" class="moz-txt-link-freetext"
<u>right now</u>
- <u>I've been everywhere</u>.<br>
Is there any way a <u>complete newbie</u> with Linux can get the
Pyjamas-Desktop installed and running<br>
I have a box on which I very recently managed to install Ubuntu 9.10<br>
Apache 2.2.12<br>
PHP 5.2.10-2<br>
JRE 1.6.0_0 & OpenJDK IcedTea6 1.6.1<br>
Package Manager says libwebkit-1.0-2 is installed.<br>
python-all 2.6.4ubuntu1<br>
python-all-dev 2.6.4ubuntu1<br>
python-all-dbg 2.6.4ubuntu1<br>
python 2.6.4ubuntu1<br>
python2.4 2.4.6-1ubuntu3.2.9<br>
python2.5 2.5.4-1ubuntu6.1<br>
python2.5-dbg 2.5.4-1ubuntu6.1<br>
python2.5-dev 2.5.4-1ubuntu6.1<br>
python2.6 2.6.4-0ubuntu3<br>
python2.6-dbg 2.6.4-0ubuntu3<br>
python2.6-dev 2.6.4-0ubuntu3<br>
python-dbg 2.6.4-0ubuntu1<br>
all installed - - - plus some more Python packages - the list
goes on.<br>
I am comfortable with Desktop development (mainframe client / server)
and would really love to find a Desktop IDE that would generate
JavaScript for me. The Pyjamas-Desktop sounds like the perfect tool
-IF- I could get it up and running.<br>
Please tell me there is a single install -or- list of specific installs
that I need to make things work.<br>
I need step-by-step instructions since I know practically nothing about
Linux or Ubuntu.<br>
Like - if a specific directory is require for a package to work - tell
me it must go in directory /be/very/specific<br>
Any reply or instructions will be very appreciated.<br>