Hi,<br><br>I created a class that's able to manipulate tabulated data. I want to be able to dump the bulk of the data and other attributes as a tab-delimited text. I have trouble saving/restoring type information in the file. For example, some attributes are int, others may be float, etc. So I want to store the data type as well as the data value themselves in a file. And I don't think I want to use Pickle because I want it to be readily opened in vi and be readable as a
tab-delimited file and be able to import into Excel as well.<br><br>What's the best way to achieve this? I was able to write string like "attribute = int(value)" into a file. But how do I get the value back? I want the "int(value)" string to be loaded into the program and be executable so I can actually create the instance variable in the class.<br>
<br>Any help appreciated, thanks.<br><br>Timothy<br>