Hello I am trying to modify Python xgoogle module to use yahoo<br><br>I have hit a road block where I receive no error messages the code I use to test just returns an empty list.<br><br>and I don't know how to trouble shoot it <br>
<br>the module code is here<br><br><a href="http://pastebin.com/iTibRs1R">http://pastebin.com/iTibRs1R</a><br><br>and the code I am using to test is this<br><br>import re<br>from urlparse import urlparse<br>from xyahoo.search import YahooSearch, SearchError<br>
<br>gs = YahooSearch("quick and dirty")<br>print gs<br>gs.results_per_page = 50<br>results = gs.get_results()<br>print results<br>for res in results:<br> print res.title.encode("utf8")<br> print res.desc.encode("utf8")<br>
print res.url.encode("utf8")<br><br>Any idea how to fix the module *cheers<br><br><br><br><br>