Hi all,<br><br>Im stuck on this problem:<br>I have a function which return me a list of string (basically the result looks like: ["FN067_098_MEN", FN067_098_JIN", FN067_098_BG"]<br>In other hand, I have another list full of that kind of entries:<br>
["FN067_098_MEN_Hair_PUZ_v001.0001.exr","FN067_098_JIN_Hair_SPC_v001.0001.exr","FN067_098_MEN_Jin_MVE_v001.0001.exr","FR043_010_GEN_NRM_v001.0001.exr"]<br><br>I would like to do something like this:<br>
<br>myFirstList = ["FN067_098_MEN", FN067_098_JIN", FN067_098_BG"]<br>mySecondList = ["FN067_098_MEN_Hair_PUZ_v001.0001.exr","FN067_098_JIN_Hair_SPC_v001.0001.exr","FN067_098_MEN_Jin_MVE_v001.0001.exr","FR043_010_GEN_NRM_v001.0001.exr"]<br>
<br>for n in myFirstList:<br> if n in mySecondList:<br> mySecondList.remove(n)<br><br>In fact, what I want to do it to remove entries with the secondlist which content the entries of the first one. But it seems to not work like this.<br>
Someone can help me please ? did I miss something ?<br><br>