Hello,<br><br>I posted in regard to this in the past but it didn't go very far, no ones fault, but I'm again atempting to make this work and could use some help.<br><br>I would like to use libraw.dll (<a href="http://www.libraw.org/">http://www.libraw.org/</a> version 0.10) from python and can access all the functions fine and produce images but there is a structure that holds all the process settings that I cannot access with ctypes. I'm sure it's because I'm going about it the wrong way. I was wondering if there was anyone in this list with experience with this sort of thing that could point me in the right direction. <br>
<br>Thanks!<br>jt<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>"It's quite difficult to remind people that all this stuff was here for a million years before people. So the idea that we are required to manage it is ridiculous. What we are having to manage is us." ...Bill Ballantine, marine biologist.<br>