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<tt>I would like to design a web site that can be used to help
people to find a cat <br>
that they can adopt. Note, this is a non-profit project, but one
that I <br>
believe to be quite important. Here are some of my initial
thoughts on this <br>
<i>Site purpose:</i><br>
<b>To provide a web site for anyone to look at information on cats
at this home, and how <br>
they can adopt one or more of these homeless cats.</b><br>
<i>Some features of the site:</i><br>
1. A cat database that I as the web site designer would create.
This database would <br>
contain an entry for each cat available for adoption. It would
include such things <br>
as the name, sex, age, paths to image(s) and/or video(s) of the
cat, health status, <br>
etc (see below).<br>
2. Anyone accessing this site should be able to easily navigate
around it and to <br>
examine entries in this database. The client (designated person
at the home <br>
where the cats are kept for adoption) would be given privileges
to modify the <br>
database (add, delete, and modify entries). The user interface
for the client <br>
to update the database should be very easy to use. This GUI
provided to the<br>
client for modification of the database would be written in
3. There would be no inputs to this web site. There would be an
embedded link for a<br>
potential customer to send an email to the responsible person
(bringing up<br>
their email client).<br>
4. Track number of visitors to the site.<br>
<i>Preliminary notes on the database</i><br>
- ID code (key)<br>
- Name<br>
- Sex (M / F)<br>
- Neutered / Not neutered<br>
- Age (estimated)<br>
- Type (breed)<br>
- Tagged (chip or ear marking)/ Not tagged<br>
- Checked In date (yy/mm/dd)<br>
- Checked Out date (yy/mm/dd)<br>
- Status (needs home / has home)<br>
- Social state (1,2,3,4,5)<br>
- Health state (1,2,3,4,5)<br>
- Companion state (1,2,3,4,5)<br>
- Image (file name) % multiple files allowed<br>
- Video (file name) % multiple files allowed<br>
- Medical/vet data (text on vaccinations, etc.)<br>
- General information (text on cat that includes comments,
observations, etc.)<br>
Notes on database:<br>
* state = 1, Best<br>
5, Worst<br>
Social state = 5, very unfriendly, afraid, etc.<br>
3, can touch if careful<br>
1, very friendly, unafraid<br>
Health state = 5, not in good health (e.g. infection)<br>
3, only minor health problems<br>
1, in very good health<br>
Companion state = 5, must have another cat or cats as company<br>
3, could be with other cat(s) company<br>
1, does not need the company of another cat <br>
</tt>Now, with this initial information (granted this is very
rough), my question:<br>
<b>How, armed with Python 2.6 (or 2.7) and all of the Python
packages available, <br>
should I attack the problem of getting this web site up and
running on a Windows<br>
Please keep in mind that do have some experience with Python and
HTML; but, this<br>
would be my first web site project using Python.<br>
Any suggestions, study plan, references, etc. would be welcomed.<br>