<br><div class="gmail_quote">Hi All,<br><br>I am glad to announce the first alpha release of PySWITCH. <br><br><a href="http://pyswitch.sf.net" target="_blank">http://pyswitch.sf.net</a><br><br><br>The idea of PySWITCH is to offer a complete library to Python and Twisted programmers for interacting with FreeSWITCH using EventSocket interface. The target is to cover all FreeSWITCH API commands and Dialplan tools. PySWITCH handles all the low level details in executing FreeSWITCH commands, so the programmer can easily concentrate on quickly building FreeSWITCH applications. As an example, the API functions offered by PySWITCH often executes many FreeSWITCH commands under the hood and finally returns the desired result. Suppose you execute a background job, PySWITCH API will automatically wait and catch the backgroundjob event parse the result and will fire the deferred.<br>
<br>The current release covers good amount of API commands and a few Dialplan tools. The protocol communication issues are ironed out. It has a nice event call back interface. I’ll present its usage in couple of tutorials soon.<br>
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<br><br>-- <br>Thanks & Regards,<br>Godson Gera<br><a href="http://godson.in" target="_blank">http://godson.in</a><br><br>