<div>I am implemented a custom set-like type which interacts with some third-party software when retrieving and mutating the set, and have derived my custom type off of collections.MutableSet, however I have noticed that some of the magic methods supported by the built-in set do not fully function with my custom type. From this, I looked over the MutableSet definition in and it seems to be missing all of the reflected operators (__rsub__, __rand__, __ror__, __rxor__, and friends) for the operators it has defined. I can post a simple example case if desired.</div>
<div><br></div><div>I am using Python 2.6.4 (with some in-house customizations), however a quick look over the svn repository shown on <a href="http://python.org">python.org</a> makes it appear that these are also not implemented in Python 3. I was wondering if there is some reason for this, or if it was merely an oversight.</div>
<br clear="all">Chris<br>