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I'm using MSW DLL calls thru the 3 packages listed as well as ctypes
calls on Win7 64-bit. I believe all the packages were developed in
the XP days. Some calls just don't seem to work consistently on
Win7. Specifically, I'm trying to reposition and resize application
main windows and change their minimized or zoomed state to "normal".
Sometimes the calls work, some time they just don't.<br>
I've scoured all the DLL library calls and haven't found any
unobvious dependencies. Foe example, the calls to IsIconic always
returns True even when the app window has been restored. Another: A
call to ctypes.windll.user32.ShowWindow( hwnd, win32con.SW_MAXIMIZE
) *must* be made just before a call to
ctypes.windll.user32.ShowWindow( hwnd, win32con.SW_NORMAL ) to
consistently get it to go NORMAL from a different state. But, then
there is an annoying full screen-sized flash of white that happens.
This never happens when manually clicking on the iconized Taskbar
button. Obviously, Win7 is doing something different from the
obvious. <br>
Are there any insights to this behaviors ?<br>