I have one sqlite database called aripuanaonline.db. In this database I have one table with two collumns first with autoincrement not null and other with varchar(100) not null.<br><br>I got this error:<br><br>Traceback (most recent call last):<br>
File "C:\Documents and Settings\Marco\Desktop\aripuanaonline\aripuana.py", line 9, in <module><br> rows = cursor.fetchall()<br>sqlite3.OperationalError: Could not decode to UTF-8 column 'mensagem' with text 'Shampoo Pantene Restaura��o Profunda � vista por R$4,99'<br>
<br>How can I print my table?<br clear="all"><br> <br>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Jayme Proni Filho<br>Skype: jaymeproni<br>Twitter: @jaymeproni<br>Phone: +55 - 17 - 3631 - 6576<br>
Mobile: +55 - 17 - 9605 - 3560<br>e-Mail: jaymeproni at yahoo dot com dot br<br>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>