Hi All,<br><br>I'm new bie to python thread programming and would like to assistance on the attached code.<br><br>In this, I'm calling a thread to invoke a command prompt and would like to print the "Thread as alive" as long as the command prompt is opened and would like to print "Thread is Dead" only when the command prompt is closed by the user.<br>
<br>based on my understand I have written this peace of code which does not seem to work. There is some flaw in the logic which I could not understand since I'm not that familiar with the thread concepts.<br><br>Can somebody help me in getting this piece of code working.<br>
<br>Also can somebody point me to a good tutorial on understanding python thread programming since I want to get my understanding on the concept of thread better. I googled a few but quite confusing.<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>
Vijay Swaminathan<br>