Lets say I have a program that is running a python interpreter in the main thread. <br><br>I come along, write a .DLL and throw it into the program. My .dll has its own thread (right?), separate from the main thread, and then makes a pyrun_simplestring call to the pythonxx.dll. The pyrun_simplestring call attempts to make contact with a function in the original python program. In short, I'm attempting to leverage existing functionality in the original python program from my .DLL. <br>
I'm sure that sounds confusing, so maybe: PythonInterpreter_MainThread is running some SourceCode, MyDLL_PyRun_SimpleString_OtherThread makes call(?) to the same SourceCode.<br><br>Now, my question is: What happens? Is another python interpreter instance created in my .dll thread to handle that call? is my call 'separate' from the main thread interpreter? I'm hoping someone can point me towards some material to better understand what might happen if I did what I outlined above. It's a small school project (not homework, just a "hey, remember when I asked you about blahblah, well I got it working!") and I'd appreciate any guidance I could get into the dark arts of multiple threads and how they relate to python interpreters, and if multiple python interpreters are created (one for each thread) how making calls to the same code works. <br>
<br>Thank you for your time.<br>