Hello all,<br><br>I wrote a python program to find the 1000th prime no. The program isn't working as it should be.<br>Please tell what the error is:<br><br>## this is to find the 1000th prime number<br><br>number = 3<br>
while number < 10000:<br> ###initialize stuff<br> counter = 1<br> ###initializing list to check primarity<br> factor = []<br> while counter!=(number/2): <br> if number % counter == 0:<br> factor = factor + [counter]<br>
counter = counter + 1 <br> if len(factor) > 1:<br> break<br> elif counter == 1000:<br> print number, <br>number+=1<br><br><br><br>The program is printing all the prime nos. from 1009 to 9973. Please respond fast and give me the correct code with only simple functions as i am a beginner to python.<br>