The point of the Java thread.stop() being deprecated seems to have very little to do with undeclared exceptions being raised and a lot to do<div>with objects being left in a potentially damaged state.</div><div><br></div><div>
As Ian said, it's a lot more complex than just adding try/catches. Killing a thread in the middle of some non-atomic operation with side-effects</div><div>that propagate beyond the thread is a recipe for trouble.</div>
<div><br></div><div>In fact, while a a lot can be written about Java being a poor language the specific article linked to about why Java deprecated thread.stop()</div><div>gives a pretty damn good explanation as to why Thread.stop() and the like are a bad idea and what a better idea might be (Signalling that</div>
<div>a graceful halt should be attempted)</div>