Hello friends,<br><br>I'm writing some Python app that makes use of the multiprocessing and Queue api to perform<br>transaction jobs.<br><br>My problem is that, the queue always report empty even though I can confirm that there are items in it.<br>
<br>Below is the code I'm working with:<br><br>import multiprocessing<br>from multiprocessing import Process, Queue<br>from Queue import Empty<br><br>def process(**kwargs):<br> q = kwargs['q']<br> # Don't start the process if there's no item in queue<br>
if q.empty():<br> print 'empty queue'<br> multiprocessing.Process() # Process defaults to None<br> else:<br> p = multiprocessing.Process(target=transaction_queue, args=(kwargs))<br> p.start()<br>
<br>def put_in_queue(items={}): <br> print items<br> <br> q = multiprocessing.Queue()<br> <br> try:<br> for k,v in items.iteritems():<br> data = v #data is a dict<br> timeout = data.get(u'timeout')<br>
<br> # Put the transaction item in the queue at a specific timeout<br> # period<br> q.put(data, False, timeout)<br> print "{0} put to queue".format(data)<br>
transaction_queue(q, data, timeout, False)<br><br> except (KeyError, AttributeError, ValueError):<br> print 'Incorrect data format'<br><br>def transaction_queue(queue, item, timeout, block=False):<br>
queue = multiprocessing.Queue()<br> if item is not {} and timeout is not 0:<br> print "Items are {0}".format(item)<br> for i in range(len(item)):<br> try:<br> d = queue.get(block)<br>
print d<br> except Empty:<br> print 'Fees queue empty at %s' % (i)<br> else:<br> return process(q=queue, i=d, t=timeout)<br> else:<br> print 'No item in the queue to get'<br>
<br>A JSON POST from CURL calls put_in_queue callback:<br><br> curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data 'fees={"fees":{"status":"pending","timeout":5}, "hostel":{"status":"pending","timeout": 3}}' <a href=""></a> > post_data.txt <br>
<br>At code run, the output is:<br><br>{u'status': u'pending', u'timeout': 3} put to queue<br>Items are {u'status': u'pending', u'timeout': 3}<br>Fees queue empty at 0<br>Fees queue empty at 1<br>
{u'status': u'pending', u'timeout': 5} put to queue<br>Items are {u'status': u'pending', u'timeout': 5}<br>Fees queue empty at 0<br>Fees queue empty at 1<br><br>Q: Why are my queues empty even though there are items in it?<br>
<br>Thanks you for the suggestions and answers.<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Odeyemi 'Kayode O.<br><a href="http://www.sinati.com" target="_blank">http://www.sinati.com</a>. t: @charyorde<br><br>