<br>I've put together a comparison of some tree datastructures for Python, with varied runtime and varied workload:<br><br><a href="http://stromberg.dnsalias.org/~strombrg/python-tree-and-heap-comparison/">http://stromberg.dnsalias.org/~strombrg/python-tree-and-heap-comparison/</a><br>
<br>I hope to find time to add heaps to the article at some point, but for now, it only covers trees and the treap.<br><br>The short version:<br><ol><li>The 2-3 tree gave incorrect results, so I eliminated it. This may or may not have been my fault.</li>
<li>The Red-black tree was performing so slowly that it was making the graphs hard to read, so I eliminated it. It actually seemed to be doing pretty well at first, until I realized that garbage collections were becoming very slow with red-black trees.<br>
</li><li>The top three performers were, under various workloads and with various runtimes: The AVL Tree, The Splay Tree and The Treap.</li><li>The Treap was consistently either in first or second place.</li><li>All the datastructures examined were ported to python 3 in such a way that they would continue to work on python 2 - I've at times taken liberties like allowing log(n) range's, which of course are eagerly evaluated in python 2. The modules were also modified to pass pylint.<br>
</li></ol>These are all trees (and the treap), for now, with dictionary-like interfaces, that allow you to do things like look up the least (or greatest) value in log(n) time. The need for such a datastructure is uncommon, but does come up from time to time - implementing a cache is foremost in my mind. If you just need fast lookups without any particular ordering, you're almost always going to be better off with a hash table (dictionary).<br>