Hi,<div><br></div><div>I'm trying to get Tix installed and working, in order to use Tix.balloon in the first instance.</div><div><br><div>I'm using Python 3.2.3 on Mac OS X 10.6.8, installed from direct package download from Python.org. Have also installed Py 2.7.3, and the native Mac Py 2.6.1 and 2.5.4 are all working fine as well and not tromping on each other.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Building a variety of Gui's under 2.7.3 and 3.2.3 with tkinter, ttk and all going well. I'm recreating a pile of Gui's I have had for years under plain Tcl/Tk (on Linux and Irix).</div><div>
<br></div><div>I can't get Tix working at all, doesn't seem to be supplied with any of the Python dists. Example:</div><div><br></div><div><font face="courier new, monospace">~/lang/python/tkinter/devpanel $ py3</font></div>
<div><font face="courier new, monospace">Python 3.2.3 (v3.2.3:3d0686d90f55, Apr 10 2012, 11:25:50) </font></div><div><font face="courier new, monospace">[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin</font></div><div>
<font face="courier new, monospace">Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.</font></div><div><font face="courier new, monospace">~/.pythonstartup</font></div>
<div><font face="courier new, monospace">>>> import tkinter</font></div><div><font face="courier new, monospace">>>> import tkinter.ttk</font></div><div><font face="courier new, monospace">>>> import tkinter.tix </font></div>
<div><font face="courier new, monospace">>>> root = <a href="http://tkinter.tix.Tk">tkinter.tix.Tk</a>()</font></div><div><font face="courier new, monospace">Traceback (most recent call last):</font></div><div><font face="courier new, monospace"> File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module></font></div>
<div><font face="courier new, monospace"> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.2/lib/python3.2/tkinter/tix.py", line 225, in __init__</font></div><div><font face="courier new, monospace"> self.tk.eval('package require Tix')</font></div>
<div><font face="courier new, monospace">_tkinter.TclError: can't find package Tix</font></div><div> </div><div><div>My Python is still elementary, I may be importing and invoking Tix badly. I've searched the Python, Tkinter, Tix sites for a few hours, searched my Mac for tixlib files, no luck. Looks like you can build Tix from source and install, but web posts indicate this is very hard and I don't see any useful traffic on that in the last 2 or 3 years, never a good sign.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Any pointers appreciated ! Hope I don't get flamed, I see this group has some epic flame wars.</div><div><br></div><div>Cheers,</div><div><br></div>-- <br>Greg Edwards,<div>Port Jackson Bioinformatics</div>
<div><a href="mailto:gedwards2@gmail.com" target="_blank">gedwards2@gmail.com</a></div><br>