The very first few steps, are help(any_module), and google.<br><br>Try looking at this first then, the google search term I used(or any you might come up with_ :<br><br>double underscore python 2.7<br><br>yielding:<br><a href="{f9f3e522-d7d6-4f0d-bfa5-e8ef583d0ff7}&v=">{f9f3e522-d7d6-4f0d-bfa5-e8ef583d0ff7}&v=</a><br>
<br>and usually any question you've wanted to ask, has already been asked, and answered, but if you can't find it, you're in the right place.<br><br>-- <br>Best Regards,<br><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif">David Hutto</span><br>
<i><b>CEO:</b></i> <u><a href="" target="_blank"></a></u><br><br>