<html><head><META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=us-ascii"></head><body><p>ߒߤߒߡߜߦߡ ß ß§<br/><br/>> -----Original Message-----
<br/>> From: "Christophe de Vienne" <cdevienne@gmail.com>
<br/>> Sent: Thu, 06 Sep 2012 15:15:23 +0200
<br/>> To: python-announce@python.org
<br/>> Subject: odt2sphinx 0.2.3 released
<br/>> Hello,
<br/>> odt2sphinx 0.2.3 is now available on pypi :
<br/>> http://pypi.python.org/pypi/odt2sphinx/.
<br/>> Odt2sphinx convert OpenDocument Text file(s) to one or several .rst
<br/>> files suitable for Sphinx.
<br/>> Changes
<br/>> -------
<br/>> * Fix filename generation by replacing any non-alphanumeric
<br/>> character (issue #3).
<br/>> * Fix handling of non-styled lists.
<br/>> Regards,
<br/>> Christophe de Vienne
<br/>> --
<br/>> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-announce-list
<br/>> Support the Python Software Foundation:
<br/>> http://www.python.org/psf/donations/
<br/>> <br/></p><div><br /> Sent using Eatoni's <a href="http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/eatoni-triage/id525578127?ls=1&mt=8">Triage</a> app for iPhone and iPad.</div><br /></body></html>