<div dir="ltr">Folks,<div><br></div><div style>OK, I'll be the first to test a job posting here (using a '[JOB]' tag). Don't shoot me! :)</div><div style><br></div><div style><a href="http://www.paylogic.nl">Paylogic</a> is currently looking for 2 experienced software engineers. As some of you already know, Paylogic develops ticketing software and has offices in Groningen (tech), Amsterdam, Antwerp & Berlin (sales). What most of you probably don't know is that the company culture is all about open source, ambition and professionalism. We try to make sure that employers are autonomous, we stimulate them to become masters in their domain and give them a clear sense of purpose. All well-known aspects that make employers happy: <i>mastery, </i><i>autonomy, purpose</i>.</div>
<div style> </div><div style>Paylogic initiates many internal and external initiatives to improve the craftsmanship of all software engineers. Internally we have TechTalks and OpenSeason (where we hack on an interesting technology in our spare time during one season). Externally we organize <a href="https://plus.google.com/communities/100366363140062149195">Monthly PyGrunn</a>'s and the yearly <a href="http://www.pygrunn.nl/">PyGrunn conference</a> (10th of May this year). We also have an active policy to open source as much of our code as we can.</div>
<div style><br></div><div style>Our technology department consists of about 20 architects/engineers/devops from a wide range of nationalities (we speak English at our office). We are looking for two experienced Python software engineers that can take on a senior role within this team. Engineers that are passionate about software engineering.</div>
<div style><br></div><div style>Oh, and we use modern internet technologies (Flask, Django, Backbone, redis, mongodb, etc), modern methodologies (CI, scrum, automated requirements testing, etc.), and have tons of interesting technical challenges.</div>
<div style><br></div><div style><a href="http://corporate.paylogic.nl/media/cms_page_media/59/Vacancy-Softwaredeveloper_1.txt">You can find the formal job description with more details here</a>.</div><div style><br></div>
<div style>Please contact me if you are interested or have any further questions.</div><div style><br></div><div style>Thanks!</div><div style>Berco Beute</div><div style>CTO Paylogic</div></div>