[python-win32] (no subject)

Jens B. Jorgensen jens.jorgensen at tallan.com
Sat Oct 18 21:04:17 EDT 2003

I'm just going to make a guess here but there's a couple of things you 
should check out. First, you need to make sure that you have installed 
both the .NET framework redistributable as well as the .NET framework 
SDK. nmake and sn are both included in the .NET SDK. Aside from that 
just make sure that you have your PATH set to include the directories 
for both the above which will probably be something like:

c:/Program\ Files/Microsoft.NET/SDK/v1.1/Bin

david ostrowski wrote:

>sorry about the incomplete message.
>I am having problems with the compilation of
>python.NET experimental compiler from activestate
>site. When running NMAKE.exe (on the distributions
>that contain it) I get:
>Creating a new key for signing the assembles
>if not exist ..\ManagedPython sn -k
>'sn' is not recognized as an internal or external
>NMAKE : fatal error...
>If I go to /compiler and run make.bat manually I get:
>pywintypes.com_error (' Invalid class string' )
>I have installed python2.2 , win32com successfully as
>well as tried this on windows2000, XP, and 98! 
>david ostrowski
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