[python-win32] win32 version

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Thu Jul 28 03:37:27 CEST 2005

>           If I have an installed instance of win32 et al, is there a way
> to get the version number that is installed on  a box (preferably
> without having to start python up - ie is it written in a text file
> somewhere in the install?).

In build 205 and later, there will be a pywin32.version.txt file installed
into site-packages.  For 204 and earlier there is no real way of knowing
other than the uninstall registry key.

You could get a clue from the version number in win32com\client\genpy.py -
'makepy_version' generally has changed for all releases.  You would have to
use CVS to find the exact number for each release though.


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