[python-win32] python.exe crashes while connecting to the MSSQL Database on remote machine using pyodbc module

siddhartha veedaluru siddhartha.veedaluru at gmail.com
Wed Dec 17 17:31:11 CET 2008


Summary-:  python.exe crashes while connecting to the MSSQL Database on
remote machine using pyodbc module
OS-: win 2003 server, 32bit
Installed python products: python 2.5,pyodbc-2.0.52,pywin32-211

Problem Description & Steps followed:
i have MSSQL Database on a remote machine
i have created a System DSN in my local machine using python script which
uses ctypes module
using pyodbc module i'm trying to connect to remote database.

sometimes python.exe crashes in the connect function

if i reboot the machine, i can connect it,but next try to connect crashes

Attached are the dmp files of the crash.

Following is the code snippet of my script that are used to do the above

Script to Create a System DSN
def create_sys_dsn(driver, **kw):
    "Create a  system DSN"
    nul = chr(0)
    attributes = []
    for attr in kw.keys():
        atrbStr = "%s=%s" % (attr, kw[attr])
        #print atrbStr
    #print driver
    return ctypes.windll.ODBCCP32.SQLConfigDataSource(0, ODBC_ADD_SYS_DSN,
driver, nul.join(attributes))

retCode = create_sys_dsn("SQL Server", SERVER=server, DESCRIPTION="TestDB
DSN", DSN="TestDB", Database="testDB")
if retCode != 1:
    mesg = "Cannot Create TestDB DSN"
    print mesg
    mesg = "TestDB DSN Created"
    print mesg

Script to connect to database
import pyodbc
            DBCon = pyodbc.connect("DSN=TestDB;UID=tester;PWD=tester")
except pyodbc.Error, erno:
            mesg = "Unable to connect testDB Database check the UserID and
            print mesg,erno
            return 1
return 0

Please Help me out
take a look or forward to concerned developers
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