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<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:guillaume.dauguet@mpsa.com">guillaume.dauguet@mpsa.com</a> wrote:
<pre wrap="">
I'm an engineer from France and I use PythonWin very often. I Have one
question please : I'd like to run a function from a library included in the
"Tools=>COM Browser=>Registered Type Librairies" menu. This library is
called "Bibiothèque de pilotage de Scandiag" and I'd like to run from this
library the function called "Telechargement" from "ISScandiagOCX".
Just below is the source code in Visual basic just as an example so that
you can get more easily what I try to explain you :
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim MonObjet As ScandiagOCX
Dim result As Integer
Set MonObjet = New ScandiagOCX
result = MonObjet.Telechargement("C:\Scandiag\Files\edc16.can", 1, 1, 1)
Set MonObjet = Nothing
End Sub
Actually, I'd like to do the same in python.
I tried already :
import win32com.client
ob = win32com.client.Dispatch("The.ProgID")
But actually, I don't know which arguments I need to use with the dispatch
Therefore, what I want you to explain me please is how to determine the
"Prog ID". Is it a number, a string??
Thanks a lot in advance for your help,
Guillaume DAUGUET
PSA - La Garenne-Colombes
Tél : (+33)
Fax : (+33)
E-mail : <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:guillaume.dauguet@mpsa.com">guillaume.dauguet@mpsa.com</a>
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Hello Guillaume,<br>
I will tell you what I know (but I am not knowledgeable about this):<br>
The Dispatch parameter is most likely a string. For example:<br>
I have no advice to offer on determining what the string is for your
particular application.<br>
-- jv