Hello all,<br><br>I have a question about using DDE to launch a file in
an existing application when double-clicked from explorer. I'm trying
to use the built-in windows functionality for doing this by setting the
application and topic keys in HKCR\my_file_type\shell\open<div>\ddeexec. I also have HKCR\my_file_type\shell\open\command
set up to launch my python script if windows can't find the application
through dde (
i.e. it's not currently running). The python script create a server and
registers the system topic as the very first thing it does. When I
double-click a file of this type in Explorer, I get an error dialog
saying that "windows cannot find '
filename.ext' Make sure you typed the name correctly...". Has anyone
else been able to open a file in a running application this way?<br><br>Thanks,<br><br>--Matt</div>