Hi all,<br><br>1. I am working on a project , which i want to access the Microsoft outlook inbox, and get the mails and save it locally as it is.<br><br>2. This works to read the mails from Micrsoft outlook but its fails to get the mails from the outlook Express,.
<br>I run this code in windows machine , in that machine i hadn't install any microsoft product including Ms outlook.<br>I am trying to get the mails from Outlook Express.<br><br>import win32com.client<br>session = win32com.client.Dispatch
("MAPI.Session")<br>session.Logon()<br>inbox = session.Inbox<br>collmsg = inbox.Messages<br>print collmsg<br>msg = collmsg.GetFirst()<br>while msg:<br> print "subject: ", msg.subject<br> msg = collmsg.GetNext
()<br>session.Logoff()<br><br>could anybody tell me what changes should i want to done , to run successfully?<br><br>pls if there any links , which could more usefull to me pls forward to me.<br><br><br>Thanks<br><br>Antony