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Greetings, Experts:<br>
I've run into this error and wonder if any of you can help.<br>
First I get this message:<br>
<font color="#3333ff"><tt>[snip]</tt></font><font color="#3333ff"><tt>\lib\site-packages\win32com\client\__init__.py:480:
RuntimeWarning: tp_compare didn't return -1 or -2 for exception<br>
elif type(obj)==TupleType:</tt></font><br>
Something then raises an exception (NOT a pythoncom.com_error), from
which I extract this traceback, exception type, and value:<br>
<font color="#3333ff"><tt> </tt></font><font color="#3333ff"><tt>[snip]<br>
</tt></font><font color="#3333ff"><tt>iRet, nOpen, liOpen =
zFem.feAppGetAllModels ()<br>
In feAppGetAllModels, "PyFemap.py" line 14661,<br>
, nModelID)<br>
In _ApplyTypes_, "__init__.py" line 449,<br>
user, resultCLSID)<br>
In _get_good_object_, "__init__.py" line 467,<br>
return _get_good_object_(obj, obUserName, resultCLSID)<br>
In _get_good_object_, "__init__.py" line 480,<br>
elif type(obj)==TupleType:<br>
<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>- The VARIANT type 0x14 is not
supported for SAFEARRAYS</tt></font><br>
The above-mentioned "PyFemap.py" is the output from running the
Server's type library through makepy.py. It contains this definition
for the method that produces the error:<br>
<font color="#3333ff"><tt> def feAppGetAllModels(self,
numModels=pythoncom.Missing, nModelID=pythoncom.Missing):<br>
return self._ApplyTypes_(20350, 1, (3, 0), ((16387, 2), (16396,
2)), 'feAppGetAllModels',</tt></font><font color="#3333ff"><tt><br>
</tt></font><font color="#3333ff"><tt> None,numModels,
The Server's (VB-centric) documentation for "feAppGetAllModels" says
that <font color="#3333ff"><tt>numModels</tt></font> is an INT4 and <font
color="#3333ff"><tt>nModelID</tt></font> is an array of INT8s.<br>
I think this means that the Server uses a data type that Pythoncom
doesn't support, in which case I think there's not much I can do about
it, but maybe someone can suggest something?<br>
FYI, I'm using ActiveState python version 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Mar 27
2008, 17:57:18) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]. Would a later version
Greg Antal<br>
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">--
Gregory W. Antal
Senior Technical Advisor
ATA Engineering, Inc.
11995 El Camino Real, Suite 200        
San Diego, CA 92130
<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="http://www.ata-e.com">www.ata-e.com</a>
<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:greg.antal@ata-e.com">greg.antal@ata-e.com</a>
858-480-2072 (Phone)
858-792-8932 (Fax)</pre>