Sebastian:<br> You have what looks (to a non-Postgres user) like a proper ADO connection string for PostgreSQL. Open the Postgres database using adodbapi. I have already done all of the tricky COM stuff for you. You can also open the ACCESS database using adodbapi. There is an example in C:\python{your version number here}\Lib\site-packages\adodbapi\tests\ .<br>
Given that your databases are so completly different, you will most likely need to copy the data field-by-field. I think you will find no pre-packaged move-this-whole-table shortcut for this job. <br> If the Postgres will not work for you, please let me know. I am planning to add Postgres tests and examples to the adodbapi test suite, and have set up a test server, but have not made the time to get further. We could work together on Postgres support.<br>
By the way, I disagree with Gerdus. I personally find Python much easier to use than VBA for prototyping and quickie jobs. <br>--<br>Vernon Cole<br><br><div class="gmail_quote">On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 6:16 AM, Gerdus van Zyl <span dir="ltr"><<a href=""></a>></span> wrote:<br>
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">Are you trying to copy a table from an access database to a postgres<br>
database? Because that's the impression I get, in which case do you<br>
need to do it once or do you need to do it regularly? In both cases<br>
Python might not be an optimal choice.<br>
You might have more luck using TransferDatabase and ODBC, and first<br>
prototype in VBA then transfer to Python. Also if you could explain<br>
what you are trying to do, we might be better able to help.<br>
<font color="#888888"><br>
</font><div><div></div><div class="h5"><br>
On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 10:23 AM, Tim Golden<<a href=""></a>> wrote:<br>
> [copying back to the list]<br>
>> Not sure how to reply to the thread, since I thought that if I reply to<br>
>> "<a href=""></a>" then it would start a new thread?<br>
> Replying to <a href=""></a> is the right thing to<br>
> do; the mailing list software should recognise all the<br>
> clues it needs to continue the thread.<br>
> <a href=""></a> wrote:<br>
>> Hi Tim,<br>
>> I tried this:<br>
>>>>> a = win32com.client.Dispatch("access.application")<br>
>>>>> connStr = 'Driver={PostgreSQL<br>
>> Unicode};Server=%s;Database=%s;Uid=%s;Pwd=%s;ConnSettings="set TimeZone to<br>
>> -8; set search_path to pid,public;"'<br>
> Well that surprised me: you're using Access as a frontend<br>
> to PostgreSQL?<br>
>>>>> a.OpenCurrentDatabase(r'C:/TEMP/db1.mdb')<br>
>>>>> a.DoCmd.CopyObject(connStr,'MyTable2',0,'MyTable1')<br>
>> but it threw an exception that I couldn't interpret. Can you please help?<br>
> This is obviously tricky with two different databases in the equation, one<br>
> of them PostgreSQL, but what will be<br>
> most helpful is for you to produce an easily reproducible<br>
> sample which someone else can run, plus the traceback you<br>
> get. Going through this exercise may even cause you to<br>
> track down the problem yourself. In particular, try to<br>
> eliminate external dependencies: try to do the copy table<br>
> thing between two Access databases, or within the same<br>
> one (if that's possible; I haven't used Access in earnest<br>
> for a while now).<br>
> TJG<br>
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