Stef,<br><br>I do not have a readymade solution. But some words to help your googling: what you are looking for is called "hooks" and "intercepting".<br><br>So please google for "intercept windows messages" or "Windows message hooks" and "windows event hooks".<br>
<br>(As the message "mouse entered window" is also called "event")<br><br>Also have a look at tools like auto-it and pywinauto.<br><br>Best wishes,<br><br>Harald<br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>GHUM Harald Massa<br>
persuadere et programmare<br>Harald Armin Massa<br>Spielberger Straße 49<br>70435 Stuttgart<br>0173/9409607<br>no fx, no carrier pigeon <br>-<br>%s is too gigantic of an industry to bend to the whims of reality<br>