.hmmessage P
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Hey guys im having a little difficulty sending data to my C application through python. I have my test.exe that has a input box in a window. I am trying to populate the edit box with input i send to it through python. This is a far as I have been able to get so far. any help would be much appreciated. <br><br>import os,sys,subprocess,win32con<br><br>from subprocess import *<br>from os import *<br>from ctypes import *<br>from ctypes.wintypes import *<br><br>appPath=r'"C:\Dev-Cpp\windowsapp.exe"'<br><br>p = subprocess.Popen(appPath)<br><br>user32 = windll.user32<br><br>user32.SetDlgItemTextA(need to put the hwnd handle here i think??? not sure how this is done, 1, "some text") // this is a user32 function that sends text to my inputbox. <br><br>C code below for reference<br><br> CreateWindow( "edit", "",<br> WS_VISIBLE|WS_CHILD|WS_BORDER|ES_AUTOHSCROLL|ES_AUTOVSCROLL,<br> 0, 0, 300, 20, hwnd, (HMENU)1, hThisInstance, NULL);<br><br>SetDlgItemTextA(hwnd, 1, "some text")<br><br><br>                                            <br /><hr />Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free. <a href='https://signup.live.com/signup.aspx?id=60969' target='_new'>Sign up now.</a></body>