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Hi all, <br>
Question 1/ <br>
I am writing a large and complex app in Python 2.7 with PyQt4 for an
exclusively windows environment. All users will be access the app
from machines on the same LAN as the central database. In the early
(pre-launch) days, I expect releases to be made frequently, as new
features are added and the customer wishes to test them out. <br>
What is a good way to release such code? <br>
I was thinking of copying the .pyc files to a shared directory on
the server, and having the start-up script check and update a local
copy if any changes had been made since the last start-up. <br>
Question 2. I am using the pywin32 extensions. This installed with
no trouble on my development machine, but now I am creating the
install instructions, for client machines, I find the "python
setup.py install" step is failing with the error message<br>
error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat <br>
I'm clearly missing something, but what? Google tells me that I am
missing mingw, but I have not installed mingw (knowingly), I don't
remember adding <code>-c mingw32</code> to the command (not that
that means much). I don't want to install mingw on every client
machine unless I have to - there is plenty already. <br>