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I am new at programming with Python and am using Pythonwin. I have a couple of questions'<BR>
1. The code below after doc.FormName.submit() will navigate to the correct page but if I print the url it shows the url of the page I logged in at. I thought submit would be just like if I clicked on the submit button.<BR>
import win32com.client<BR>import win32api<BR>
ie = win32com.client.Dispatch( "InternetExplorer.Application" )<BR>ie.Visible = 1<BR>ie.Navigate("<A href="http://posting.www.backpage.com/classifieds/central/index">urlhere</A>")<BR>while ie.Busy == True:<BR> win32api.Sleep(1000)<BR>
doc = ie.Document<BR>
doc.FormName.email.value = "<A href="mailto:doublepllc@gmail.com">emailaddress</A>" <BR>
doc.FormName.password.value = "mypassword"<BR>
2. Can you point me to a site that which show me how to access each type of form element, i.e. option, hrefs, links, etc<BR>
Any help is greatly appreciated.<BR>                                            </body>