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Hi there,<br>
I've been trying to get Python.Net working for the last couple weeks
on linux (using rev 110), and so far i haven't had much luck. Maybe
i am using libraries that are not yet supported, so any help would
be appreciated.<br>
I am using centOS 5.5, and python 2.5.1 64bit. I am using the latest
(2.8.1) version of mono.<br>
To get python.net to build, i had to modify a couple of files, as by
default it wouldn't build. First I had to build and install glib
(2.26.1), then do the following:<br>
Add these lines to the setup.py (most likely my glib installation
wasn't doing its setup properly)<br>
Then edit the pynetclr.h file and add this line:<br>
<pre>#include <gmodule.h>
Then edit the makefile for monoclr:<br>
<pre>add include files to PY_CFLAGS variable: -I/usr/local/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/local/lib/glib-2.0/include
MONO_LIBS = $(shell pkg-config --libs mono-2)
MONO_CFLAGS = $(shell pkg-config --cflags mono-2)
add clrpython.o to clr.so make: -dynamiclib pynetinit.o clrmod.o clrpython.o -o clr.so
remove -lpython from the PY_LIBS listing
After this everything built without errors. However... the clr.so
files don't quite work :)<br>
I get 3 behaviours:<br>
<li>if i use the clr.so in the root folder: import clr; import
System; => segmentation fault</li>
<li>if i use the clr.so in the monoclr folder: ImportError:
/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/clr.so: cannot
dynamically load executable</li>
<li>if i use the clr.so in the root folder, and also copy the
libpython2.5.so in the site-packages folder: import clr =>
segmentation fault</li>
Not sure what i'm doing wrong to be honest. I'll try to roll back
mono a couple versions, and try that (2.4.3 maybe).<br>
I have a feeling i am missing something very obvious here...<br>
Any pointers would be appreciated!<br>
laszlo sebo<br>