[Pythonmac-SIG] Running Multiple Python Scripts?
Frank Vercruesse
Sat, 27 Apr 2002 09:51:47 +0200
Bill Bumgarner's PythonLauncher should actually solve the problem:
A binary version is available on my iDisk:
It's a slightly modified implementation (source code is included), so that
PythonLauncher also looks for Python.app at its default location
On Freitag, April 26, 2002, at 11:01 Uhr, Dan Shafer wrote:
> It appears to me that it is not yet possible with MachoPython 2.2.1 on OS
> X 10.1.4 to run two Python scripts at the same time.
> Whether I launch scripts by double-clicking, dock-launching or
> command-line launch with the open command, if I already have a Python
> script running when I do that, I get a "boing" sound and the
> PythonInterpreter gets brought to the front. If I then quit the running
> script I can launch another.
> This could cause some problems for the PythonCard team because we tend to
> use os.system and os.spawnv to launch scripts from within scripts. This
> does not work on my system. Strangely, when I launch a
> PythonCardPrototype app that launches other scripts and click on a button
> to launch such a script, the Console message is: "zsh: permission denied:
> /" which is passing strange becaus I use tcsh, not zsh.
> Anyone have any insights?
> -- Dan Shafer, Personal Creativity Trainer and Consultant
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> Trained Hartman Value Profile Analyst
> http://www.danshafer.com/valueprofile.html
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