[Pythonmac-SIG] Later release of Python with MacPython on Jaguar?

Brian Lenihan brian_l at mac.com
Tue Dec 9 16:52:44 EST 2003

On Dec 9, 2003, at 12:55 PM, Gary Robinson wrote:

> Is it possible/good/recommended to build a later release like Python 
> 2.3.2
> or 2.3.3RC1 on Jaguar to replace the MacPython-supplied python with it?
> Are their known problems with doing so?
> We're seeing some behavior that is mysterious enough that we currently 
> think
> it might be a bug in python. We're wondering if it would clear up with 
> a
> later python release than the MacPython-supplied one.
> --Gary

You are probably better off leaving Apple's Python alone.   I just 
everything so I can put it back later.   I wrote a script modeled after 
to make it easy to switch back and forth.

I have Jack's additions for Apple Python installed, which, if I remember
correctly, added a MacPython-2.3 folder in Applications.

Before this script is run, you must rename the files and folders in 
either the
ApplePython or MacPython tuples by hand, e.g:

/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework ->
/usr/bin/python          -> /usr/bin/python-moved
/usr/bin/python2.3    -> /usr/bin/python2.3-moved
/usr/bin/pythonw      - > /usr/bin/pythonw-moved
/usr/bin/pythonw2.3 -> /usr/bin/pythonw2.3-moved
/usr/bin/pydoc           -> /usr/bin/pydoc-moved

And, if you have a MacPython-2.3 folder in /Applications:

/Applications/MacPython-2.3 -> /Applications/MacPython-2.3-Apple

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import sys

current_ver = "2.3"

python_apps = "/Applications/MacPython-%s" % current_ver

MacPython = ("/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework",
              "/usr/local/bin/python%s" % current_ver,
              "/usr/local/bin/pythonw%s" % current_ver

ApplePython = ("/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework",
                "/usr/bin/python%s" % current_ver,
                "/usr/bin/pythonw%s" % current_ver,

def select_python(version, not_version):

     py_path = eval(version + "Python")[1]

     if os.path.exists(py_path):
         print "You are already using %sPython" % version
     elif os.geteuid() != 0:
         print """\
*** THE py_select SCRIPT MUST BE RUN    ***
*** AS root.                            ***

     for dir in eval(version + "Python"):
         os.rename("%s-moved" % dir, dir)
     for dir in eval(not_version + "Python"):
         os.rename(dir, "%s-moved" % dir)
     os.rename(python_apps, "%s-%s" % (python_apps, not_version))
     os.rename("%s-%s" % (python_apps, version), python_apps)
     print "Default Python interpreter has been set to:"
     os.system("%s -c 'import sys; print sys.version'" % py_path)

if len(sys.argv) == 1:
     print "Current default Python interpreter:"
     print sys.version
elif sys.argv[1].lower() == 'apple':
     select_python('Apple', 'Mac')
elif sys.argv[1].lower() == 'mac':
     select_python('Mac', 'Apple')
     print "usage: %s <apple|mac>" % sys.argv[0]

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