[Pythonmac-SIG] Pack Man issues on OS X 10.3.4

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Fri Jun 4 19:44:27 EDT 2004

On Jun 4, 2004, at 7:14 PM, Markus W. Weissmann wrote:

> On Jun 04, 2004, at 23:36, Bob Ippolito wrote:
>> Whenever I end up using one or the other I feel like I'm installing a 
>> separate operating system, that just happens to be hosted on the 
>> Darwin kernel.  I find that the easiest thing to do when dealing in 
>> X11 apps is to just run them over SSH from a real Linux box :)  When 
>> there is a port of MacOnLinux to OS X, I would probably run NetBSD or 
>> some distribution of Linux PPC when I really wanted to do the X11 
>> thing and didn't have a dedicated Linux/BSD box available...
> hmm... did you ever use BSD? If their ports collections feel like 
> different operating systems to you, then probably
> DarwinPorts will also do so. They also have stuff in base that is also 
> in their ports collections.

Mostly speaking from Fink experience, it feels like a different 
operating system than Darwin because it has a lot of overlap with the 
base system.  I don't typically want to install a marginally newer 
version of something like libxml2 if I don't have to.  It also requires 
a bootstrap script to be used.. so you essentially have two modes of 
operation at the shell, depending on whether or not you want to run 
Fink apps and/or link to Fink libraries.

I like DarwinPorts a lot better, in theory anyway, but I really haven't 
needed any ports from it... so I don't have real experience using it.  
I do have experience with other BSD ports collections (mostly OpenBSD).

> I really dont think you need to have a second computer running for 
> X11, just to play xbill or whatever. Also if you're
> on the road the Linux fallback is no solution. In fact everyone I 
> talked to about DarwinPorts said "oh, its that easy?
> thats even easier then FreeBSD ports".
> I dont get how setting up a 2nd computer is easier compared to 
> installing Fink or DarwinPorts on your "real Unix" Mac.

Well, I don't use X11 apps on a day to day basis.  I fall back to an 
existing X11 system because I don't generally want to spend hours 
installing gtk, gnome, kde, etc. on my OS X machines just to screw 
around with some non-essential application for a few minutes.  
Installing DP or Fink would probably be easier than setting up another 
machine, but I already had the other machine setup :)  I do have the 
X11 server installed on my OS X machines though, mostly because it 
comes with Panther, not because I use it often.

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