[Pythonmac-SIG] Fink, DarwinPorts vs py2app

Chris Barker Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
Thu Feb 10 18:37:01 CET 2005

Michael Maibaum wrote:
> FWIW, DarwinPorts has 'aqua' variants of many packages,

cool. I'll have to look into which ones, thought I'll start with a 
question: wxPython?

 > and if you want
> them for something that doesn't have one, either add the variant and 
> send off the patch, or make a request.

> As for Python. As soon as there is a framework version of Python that 
> can be installed via a destroot for packaging, I'll add it to 
> DarwinPorts. Or if someone can figure out how to hack the current 
> version to do it...
> similarly I have an Portfile for an X11 version of SciPy, and an adapted 
> one for aqua - but the inability to install Python Framework via a 
> destroot is a blocker for that.
> DarwinPorts aims to integrate where practical - so we depend on our own 
> version of Python because the OS version is broken (as the fix packages 
> available show) and because we don't want to slap cruft into the main 
> part of the filesystem.

Well, I didn't follow all that, but it sounds like the gist is what I 

1) The DarwinPorts python packages don't use Apple's Python
2) The DarwinPorts python doesn't play well with Aqua.
3) This may be fixed in the future, if someone can figure out how and 
put in the time.
4) I can use DarwinPorts to install libs needed by python packages, and 
use them with Apple's python.

Have I got that right?

Note also that I'm optimistic that Tiger will provide a Python that 
plays better with other pythons.

So we can't use DarwinPorts to get fully functional versions of 
wxPython, SciPy and matplotlib (to name a few I need) that are aqua based.

I'd love to contribute, but all this Framework/destroot stuff is well 
beyond me!


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
NOAA/OR&R/HAZMAT         (206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
Seattle, WA  98115       (206) 526-6317   main reception

Chris.Barker at noaa.gov

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