[Pythonmac-SIG] Using pyqt4 with py2app trunk
Matthew Scott
mscott at springfieldtech.com
Thu Aug 31 18:13:24 CEST 2006
I'm getting acquainted with PyQt4 lately, to build a GPL'd app intended
to be used at least on OSX and Linux.
I ran into this problem when trying to use py2app r44 from
http://svn.pythonmac.org/py2app/py2app/trunk :
Specifically, 'AttributeError: "qt_lib_dir" is not a valid configuration
value or user option'
This is definitely not the best thing to merge into py2app itself, but
to kickstart a renewed discussion, here's the patch I applied to it in
order to get a successful app build. Any assistance or ideas on how to
generalize this in a way that could be folded into the py2app trunk are
Index: py2app/recipes/sip.py
--- py2app/recipes/sip.py (revision 44)
+++ py2app/recipes/sip.py (working copy)
@@ -13,8 +13,15 @@
except NameError:
from sets import Set as set
- cfg = sipconfig.Configuration()
+ # XXX: PyQt4 hack.
+ # Original:
+ ## cfg = sipconfig.Configuration()
+ ## qtdir = cfg.qt_lib_dir
+ # Modified:
+ from PyQt4 import pyqtconfig
+ cfg = pyqtconfig.Configuration()
qtdir = cfg.qt_lib_dir
+ # /XXX
if not os.path.exists(qtdir):
# half-broken installation? ignore.
raise ImportError
Relevant system info:
OSX 10.4.7 build 8J2135
Intel Core Duo processor
Universal framework build of Python:
Python 2.4.3 (#1, Apr 7 2006, 10:54:33)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5250)] on darwin
Qt4 and PyQt4 (both GPL editions):
>>>from PyQt4 import QtCore
Matthew Scott
mscott at springfieldtech.com
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