I've searched around and found some mentions of problems when building apps with matplotlib, but didn't see any definitive solutions.<br><br>I'm trying to build a simple using matplotlib, numpy and wx. My setup.py looks like this:<br>
<br>from setuptools import setup<br><br>APP = ['plot_in_wx_test.py']<br>DATA_FILES = ['IMV_0.log']<br>OPTIONS = { <br> 'argv_emulation': True,<br> 'packages': ['matplotlib', 'numpy']<br>
}<br><br>setup(<br> app=APP,<br> data_files=DATA_FILES,<br> options={'py2app': OPTIONS},<br> setup_requires=['py2app'],<br>)<br><br># EOF<br><br>When I do:<br><br>brianz@omaha$ ls -F dist/plot_in_wx_test.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python2.5/<br>
config@ matplotlib/ site-packages.zip<br>lib-dynload/ numpy/ site.py@<br><br>Yet, when I try to run ./dist/wx_mpl_dynamic_graph.app/Contents/MacOS/wx_mpl_dynamic_graph I get an import error....the application appears to know nothing about any type of matplotlib:<br>
<br> File "...../dist/wx_mpl_dynamic_graph.app/Contents/Resources/wx_mpl_dynamic_graph.py", line 31, in <module><br> import matplotlib<br>ImportError: No module named matplotlib<br><br>Am I doing something wrong or is this a known issue?<br>