[SciPy-User] Status of TimeSeries SciKit

Tim Michelsen timmichelsen at gmx-topmail.de
Wed Jul 27 18:31:58 EDT 2011

Hello all,
similar to Dharhas, I was a strong user of the time series scikit from
the very beginning.
Since most of my code for meteorological data evaluations is based on
it, I would be happy to receive infomation on the conclusion and how I
need to adjust my code to upkeep with new developments.

>>>>> - full missing value support (TimeSeries class is a subclass of MaskedArray)
>>>> I challenge you to find a (realistic) use case where the missing value
>>>> support in pandas in inadequate. I'm being completely serious =) But
>>>> I've been very vocal about my dislike of MaskedArrays in the missing
>>>> data discussions. They're hard for (normal) people to use, degrade
>>>> performance, use extra memory, etc. They add a layer of complication
>>>> for working with time series that strikes me as completely
>>>> unnecessary.
> </sigh>
> Let's wait a bit and see how missing/ignored values are getting supported, shall we ?
How does Pandas deal with missing values?

This pages:
Is empty

The convenient support for missing data (once date converterters were
out) in timeseries helps a lot to quickly deal with measurement logs or
incomplete data.

Best regards,

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