[Spambayes] mining dates?

Skip Montanaro skip@pobox.com
Mon, 30 Sep 2002 18:00:32 -0500

    >> It didn't prove my hypothesis, but may have exposed something as
    >> useful.  Spam seems to be sent at a fairly constant rate throughout
    >> the day, which stands to reason, since it's probably all sent
    >> automatically.  However, ham definitely seems to be sent
    >> predominantly during waking hours (doh!).  I'm going to give a little
    >> date mining a try.

    Anthony> Interesting. I'm not sure it actually buys that much, timezones
    Anthony> being what they are. Unless you have evidence that, say, all
    Anthony> spam is actually sent by a small team of Belgians, in which
    Anthony> case we can just knock out stuff sent during business hours in
    Anthony> belgian standard time.

That's why I simply ignored the timezone offset.  The points plotted were in
local time.  As I mentioned in my mail, spam seems to be sent at all hours
of the day and night.  If anything, a small hamminess would be attributed to
messages sent during waking hours.
